OK, it is that time again, when our tiny town becomes the training ground for thousands of athletes.
Ironmen, please
follow the rules
or be disqualified
OK, it is that time again, when our tiny town becomes the training ground for thousands of athletes.
Most of the athletes follow the rules; however a few seem to believe that they own the roads and the ocean. So I am suggesting a solution: When the athletes are in training, either on their bicycles, running or swimming, I propose that they have a visible identification, name or number, that is registered, and if an athlete is reported twice to have violated the rules, then they will be automatically disqualified from the race.Disqualified. Esteellinen. Gediskwalificeerd. Disqualifiziert. Diszkvalifikait. Squalificato. Descalificado. Shikkaku. Disqualifie.
I swim three times a week from the pier, and twice in the past week I have almost been hit in the water, by an “athlete-in-training.” Oh yeah, and then there are the bicyclists who insist on training on Palani Road, where the “bike lane” becomes 2 inches wide. That is simply suicidal or the other “S” word: stupid.
Currently, the only consequence from not following the rules is either hurting themselves or others or simply angering drivers and swimmers.
I am asking for something to be formally implemented to help all of us keep safe and sane.
Joy Johnson
Fracking response
is overreaction
Hawaii has a long history of banning things for no rational reason. Under the kapu system, a kanaka could be executed for an offense like letting his shadow touch an alii. Then the missionaries came along and banned things they did not approve, like hula. Many big planters denied basic rights to their indentured help.
Now we were supposed to be a democratic republic and we have the County Council voting to ban things they know nothing about, because a few hysterics get their attention. Like all legislative bodies feel the urge to do something, even when there is no credible evidence that anything needs to be done.
Fracking is their latest luddite response to something my granddaughter knows more about than they do. The drilling industry has been doing it for more than 40 years, with only a handful of incidents, all of which were traced to improper practice.
What’s next, banning transportation because there are occasional accidents?
Ken Obenski